
I Lost 40+ Pounds Practicing Hot Yoga

Bikram yoga and weight loss

When I stepped foot into my first Bikram Yoga class I was nearly 200 pounds, I drank heavily, ate bad food and was heading down a path far from where I am today. I had been practicing vinyasa flow yoga for a year and was running a few times a week. I wasn’t losing any weight.

I would like to say that my goal when I walked into that Bikram yoga studio was about enlightenment, self-betterment, increased flexibility and mental clarity. I wanted to lose weight, plain and simple and I wanted to look good.

To be honest I wasn’t sure it was possible. I have a big bone structure. I inherited the Dahl metabolism. I told myself everything that I could to reinforce being overweight. In addition, I genuinely thought the food I was eating was relatively healthy. I rarely cooked and when I did I relied heavily on butter, cheese, carbohydrates and red meat to make a meal. Sometimes my ‘vegetable’ for the meal was a sautéed onion.

My love affair the 26 hatha yoga postures that makes up Bikram yoga was rocky. You can read more about that here.

But despite not loving the practice at first, I kept showing up for class because after all – I wanted to look good! For the first year I practiced about three times a week. The following year it was closer to five to six times a week. And slowly (and sustainably) the weight started to come off. My body transformed from soft and inflexible to strong and bendy.

I regained the vitality I was losing under the layers of fat.

The good news is that despite what the scale says (if you have a scale get rid of it ASAP, scales are meant for the doctor’s office) I have created a healthy habit of regular exercise and good eating. I no longer need to “diet” or feel like I’m in any sort of constant struggle with my weight. I have even written articles on nutrition suggestions for hot yogis.

I’ll be honest, I don’t always look like I do in this photo. My weight fluctuates in natural and healthy ranges, sometimes I eat better than other times. Sometimes I practice yoga more than other months. And that’s okay. For me my health journey is no longer about perfection, it’s about wellness.

The weight I lost happened through a life transforming yoga practice. Along the way I acquired other things I needed like mental clarity, increased flexibility, the gift of being more open with my thoughts and emotions and worked through struggles from the past.

So can you lose weight by practicing Bikram yoga? Absolutely. But just showing up for class won’t be enough. You’ll have to work hard. There will be sweat, there will be tears, there will be pushing yourself through roadblocks, and it will all be well worth it.

I lost the weight and gained back my life.

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